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Presale and licensing questions

Team Pack Licence
Link Posted: 10-Feb-2009 23:43
I read in another post that with "single" licence I can install Obfuscator in 2 computers (home and work), if I would like to install in another one, do I need Team Pack?

What means "1 build machine, 4-5 machines"? is only possible to obfuscate in one main machine?

In "single" licence, what happens if I want to change the computer where Obfuscator is registered? Can I unregister it and register in a new one?

Link Posted: 11-Feb-2009 02:20
I read in another post that with "single" licence I can install Obfuscator in 2 computers (home and work), if I would like to install in another one, do I need Team Pack?

In that case you can just buy another single license (if you buy 2 Single licenses at once, you automatically receive 10% volume discount).
What means "1 build machine, 4-5 machines"? is only possible to obfuscate in one main machine?

Yes, of course.
In "single" licence, what happens if I want to change the computer where Obfuscator is registered? Can I unregister it and register in a new one?

Yes, you can unregister it and register to a new one.