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bug report in flygrid 1.2
Link Posted: 07-Sep-2005 02:43
I've found another bug in the new Flygrid. Can't tell you if it was already in the previous build of 1.2 but I can tell you that my code works with 1.0, so please fix the bug asap :

In some of my grids, it happens that one of the lookuplist column is behaving in a strange way. When I select a value, the value is not shown. I've noticed that the event nodecellChange is NOT called for this column.

An example of a grid that has this problem :

Private Sub PrepareParamsColumns()
        'desc   : we build the parameters grid here
        Dim tableloop As Integer
        Dim dtEmp As DataTable

        dtEmp = m_QToken.GetEmptyTable


        Dim col As New Column
        col.FitMode = ColumnFitMode.SmartFit
        Dim dc As DataColumn = m_dsParams.Tables(0).Columns(tableloop)

        m_ControlField = New LookupListColumn("Control Field", "ControlField")
        m_ControlField.LookupSource = dtEmp
        m_ControlField.LookupBoundField = "Id"
        m_ControlField.LookupDisplayField = "New"
        col = m_ControlField

        Dim SourceOtherID As New LookupListColumn("Other Source", "SourceOtherID")
        SourceOtherID.LookupSource = m_dsParams.Tables(3)
        SourceOtherID.LookupBoundField = "SourceOtherID"
        SourceOtherID.LookupDisplayField = "ParamSource"
        col = SourceOtherID

        Dim ParamFieldType As New LookupListColumn("View Field Type", "ViewFieldTypeID")
        ParamFieldType.LookupSource = m_dsParams.Tables(1)
        ParamFieldType.LookupBoundField = "FieldTypeID"
        ParamFieldType.LookupDisplayField = "FieldType"
        col = ParamFieldType
        col.AllowSelect = False

        Dim ViewTableParam As New LookupListColumn("View Table", "ViewTable")
        ViewTableParam.LookupSource = m_dsSysInfo
        ViewTableParam.LookupBoundField = "table_name"
        ViewTableParam.LookupDisplayField = "table_name"
        col = ViewTableParam

        m_ViewFieldParam = New LookupListColumn("View Field", "ViewField")
        m_ViewFieldParam.LookupSource = dtEmp
        m_ViewFieldParam.LookupBoundField = "New"
        m_ViewFieldParam.LookupDisplayField = "New"
        col = m_ViewFieldParam

        Dim OperatorID As New LookupListColumn("OperatorID", "OperatorId")
        OperatorID.FitMode = ColumnFitMode.SmartFit
        OperatorID.DropDownStyle = DropDownStyle.DropDownList
        OperatorID.LookupSource = m_dsParams.Tables(2)
        OperatorID.LookupBoundField = "ParamOperatorID"
        OperatorID.LookupDisplayField = "ParamOperator"
        col = OperatorID

        Dim OperatorNotCol As New BooleanColumn("Operator Not", "OperatorNot")
        OperatorNotCol.SupportNulls = True

    End Sub

In the code above, the bug described occurs for the OperatorID column.

Can you look at it please.

Link Posted: 07-Sep-2005 07:54
Please let me know:
1. This problem appears when you select any value from list?
2. Could you send me this table (that used as Lookupsource) to test and (if will be necessary) fix bug.
Link Posted: 07-Sep-2005 09:13
[quote="NineRays"]Please let me know:
1. This problem appears when you select any value from list?


2. Could you send me this table (that used as Lookupsource) to test and (if will be necessary) fix bug

here is script for table:

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ParamOperators] (
  [ParamOperatorId] [tinyint] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
  [ParamOperator] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,
  [Operator] [varchar] (25) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL

Here is data:

3,"Less Than","<"
4,"Less Than or Equal To","<="
5,"More Than",">"
6,"More Than or Equal To","=>"
8,"LIKE (Begins With)","LIKE ""{0}%"""
9,"LIKE (Ends With)","LIKE ""%{0}"""

Thanks for your help.
Link Posted: 07-Sep-2005 16:25
I've tried to emulate this table - see the VB.Net sample that emulates Lookuplistcolumn with your table
All works fine.
Link Posted: 07-Sep-2005 19:18
Yes I know. As I said it's not on all grids. I've got other grids with the exact same column and it works fine.
I also have other grids which have the same problem but on another column.
Therefore there must be a property that is different for those column but as you can see in my code there is nothing unusual.

I repeat that this issue does not occur with Flygrid 1.0. That seems to come only from 1.2 and since we've had loads of troubles with this version recentely I believe it is the case again.

Can you help further ?
Link Posted: 08-Sep-2005 05:13
case sensitive issue.