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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Bug report: re-binding to a dataview
Link Posted: 25-Sep-2005 07:44

We have a problem with the last version of FlyGrid, that was not exists in version 1.0:
First we bind the Grid to a dataview.
Then we try to bind the grid to a different dataview (same table, different rowfilter), but nothing happens.
Trying to set the datasource first to null and then to the new Dataview did'nt help.

Is there a workaround to this problem, or will it be fixed in the next version?


Link Posted: 26-Sep-2005 04:50
Could you send us (develop at 9rays.net) a sample to see how're you connect and disconnect from dataView.
We've tested same scenario on the latest (1.2.3) version but FlyGrid works fine - you ca ntry to connect/disconnect from datasource in the any Bound features sample (Fastest DataBinding, Master/Detail, Filters/Summaries).
Link Posted: 09-Oct-2005 03:30

private DataView CreateNewView (string strFilter)
     DataView myView= new DataView(
    return myView;

private ShowTable(string strFilter)
     MyFlyGrid.Rows.DataSource = CreateNewView(strFiletr);

private ExecFunction()
    ShowTable("ID = 5");

When we call the first ShowTable (with no filter) the DataView which we created contains 100 rows and we show 100 rows in the grid. But when we called it at the second time (with the filter) the DataView contains one row but we still see 100 rows in the grid.
This problem still exist at the latest version. Can you help us solve this problem?


Link Posted: 10-Oct-2005 17:05
Fixed, corrected version will available tomorrow.
Link Posted: 31-Oct-2005 03:55
When creating the dataview this way which was described in the sample, the filtering doesnt work. It works only with manually setting the filter after the dataview was created (after the constructor).
Can you try check this problem again ?
Link Posted: 31-Oct-2005 07:05
Please let me know - what version of FlyGrid you're using.
Link Posted: 31-Oct-2005 21:23
the version we are using is 1.2.4
Link Posted: 01-Nov-2005 06:23
We've checked this problem on v1.2.5 - all works fine and filtered dataviews assigned and displayed as is.