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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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choose a specific node
Link Posted: 09-Oct-2005 23:12

I use the FlyGrid in VirtualMode. I use two Hirarchy columns- Id and value.
I want to search the grid by Id - I get Id from the user and I should display the requested Node in the tree.
I want to sarch the tree before i expande the nodes (the rows.Items collection is contains only the root)
1 )How can i get the requested node by his id ?
2) After i get the requested node, how can i select this node (the Selected property is read only)
Link Posted: 10-Oct-2005 18:56
1 )How can i get the requested node by his id ?

You can use Enumerate nodes example from the TreeView replacement sample to get requested node.

2) After i get the requested node, how can i select this node (the Selected property is read only)

flyGrid.Selected = foundNode;