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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Multi-Select and loss of events...
Link Posted: 30-Oct-2006 13:42
I have a FlyGrid in multiple-selection mode:

I'm handling the NodeDblClick and NodeClick events, etc.

I get these events until the first time I select more than 1 row in the grid. Then they no longer arrive (all that seems to arrive from this point on are the SelectionChanging and SelectionChanged events).

FlyGrid seems to stop dispatching (at least the) NodeDblClick and NodeClick events... is this a known issue or a bug that has been fixed ?!
Link Posted: 01-Nov-2006 01:04
We've tested this problem, all works fine.
Please check the usage of FlyGrid.BeginInit/EndInit methods usage in the NodeClick and NodeDblClick event handlers.
When BeginInit is called but does not finalized by EndInit this freezes events firing.