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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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Row Moving causes Selection Issues
Link Posted: 08-Jan-2007 13:48
I have added row moving functionality through drag and drop as it suggests in the help file under the \"FlyGrid.ItemDragDrop Event\" topic.

My problem is that after moving a row, it becomes persistently semi selected (i.e. when it's not in focus, the cells in the selected column are selected).

Now that it is selected, clicking on other rows will not remove the selection so I have to hold the control key down to deselect them.

The problem gets worse because now that a row is selected, the next row move also moves the selected row too.

After that move there are two selected rows and it continues to get worse.

I have tested this with the demo application and the same problem is visible there too.

Steps to reproduce:

1. Open the demo app and double click on the Drag'n'Drop sample item.
2. In the left grid, drag Node0 onto Node1.
3. Now drag Node2 onto Node3.

You should see that Node0 and Node2 have now been moved to Node3 however Node0 should have remained on Node1.

This is caused by some sort of persistent selection feature / issue I am not aware of - or it's just a plain old bug.

Link Posted: 08-Jan-2007 15:45

By removing this grid option, this problem goes away which is a solution for me, however perhaps not for the demo application as it needs to support multiselect drag and drop.
