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FlyGrid.Net (Windows Forms)

.NET Datagrid - Fast, highly customizable, industry standards .NET data grid control for WinForms

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create themes on flygrid for whole application
Link Posted: 15-Oct-2009 02:12
       I have a desktop application having more then 40+ forms. and all the form have flygrid in virtual mode on to it. Now I want to implement theme on my application. where user can change font size ,color , font name , background color , front color , line color etc...

How can i do this

Link Posted: 15-Oct-2009 02:51
Please look at the IStylist interface implementation, you can impement your own IStylist implementation and attach to your FlyGrid instances to have customized look and feel in the whole application. Source code of GradientStylist (NineRays.FlyGrid.Styles.dll) is available in Evaluation version.