I am having a problem using the NineRays.Obfuscator.Obfuscate attribute.
For a particular class, I want to override my default setting of not obfuscating public classes, but the Obfuscate attribute does not work for public members of a class.

In the following code snippet, I would expect that the name of Class1 would be obfuscated, as well as the name of the SayHello method, but only the name of Class1 is being changed.

public class Class1

  public string SayHello()
    return "hello";

Can you tell me whether or not I am doing anything wrong?

Also, have you considered creating an ObfuscateMembers attribute similar to the NotObfuscateMembers attribute, so that an entire class can be marked for obfuscation without having to put the Obfuscate attribute on the class declaration and on all of its public members?

Thanks for your help,