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ObfuscationOption changes not applied during VS Build
Link Posted: 11-Dec-2006 15:02

I also noted that if I changed the ObfuscationOptions in the Project -> Properties, the changes are not necessary applied during next Build / ReBuild. Not until I ran a DeCompiler to verify the obfuscation outcome.

I have multiple Projects in a Solution. VS 2005 8.0.50727.42 and Spice.NET

(PS: also noted on this website Forum, on posting and replying it keeps looping on the login page. Something is wrong?)
Link Posted: 11-Dec-2006 16:38

Correction here after reviewing the log file and verify through decompiler.

The end of log output indicates:
1. the obfuscated files are output to /Spices_Output directory, and in this case 4 output files,
2. 1 of 4 the output file is copied to the project's both \\obj\\Release and \\bin\\Release directory,
3. remaining 3 files are NOT copied, as in (2) back, to the respective VS project's \\obj or \\bin directory.

I have yet to locate the setting in the VS Solution/Proj that cause this.
Link Posted: 18-Dec-2006 10:44
In your case you should use obfuscation events (to update files in the multiple projects), use ObfuscationEvents.AfterProjectObfuscation event of Spices.Project to specify command to update files or specify SaveToDirectory property for the each assembly included into Spices.Project
Link Posted: 18-Dec-2006 15:36

That doesn't seem to help to fix.

Only 1 project trigger a obuscating process, while the other 3 do not. And the only one that triggerred seems to trigger obfuscating process for all.

The 4 project have identical settings, ie
1. Solution Explorer / Project / Properties IncludeToProject = true, ObfuscationOptions,
2. Tools / Spices.NET / Spices.Project Properties common SaveToDirectory is Spices_output, and
3. Tools / Spices.NET / Spices.Project Properties the respective SaveToDirectory in each assembly is blank.

Interestingly, as I view the respective build output result, that,
1. 1 out of 4 projects MVS re/build triggerred obfuscation process AND ALL 4 projects .exe are obfuscated and output to Spice_output; ONLY one project obfuscated .exe are COPIED BACK to \\bin\\release and \\bin\\debug; remaining 3 obfuscated .exe are NOT copied.
2. remaining 3 of 4 project builds do NOT trigger obfuscation process but the plain MVS build.

For now we got to go back to verify if obfuscating took place at all after each re/build.

There got to be some setting somewhere. Hope to see some light.
Link Posted: 10-Jan-2007 03:50
Hi, any findings/resolutions on this issue? Thanks.