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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

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Source code build error
Link Posted: 08-Nov-2005 02:51
When i build the source code, i get this error Post-Build Event failed

nant -nologo -f:"$(SolutionDir)client_runtime\default.build"

Can you help me ?
Link Posted: 08-Nov-2005 20:12
Sorry for inconvenience. The post-build event is used to obfuscate
client runtime files. So you may safely delete this post-build event
from the project properties.
Link Posted: 10-Nov-2005 06:58

I'm working on your samples, and I replace the trial dll for the new that i  buy, and its not showing the tree.

Can you help me ?
Link Posted: 10-Nov-2005 21:02
Probably this is becase the treeview cannot get its client runtime files.
Thus, you should also make sure you have client runtime files in /aspnet_client/ninerays... folder. Note that a number version may differ from trial to retail one and this may be a reason why treeview cannot load its client runtime.
Link Posted: 11-Nov-2005 06:17
No, i have the correct folder.
i have to change the global.cs and assemblyinfo.cs ?
Link Posted: 12-Nov-2005 02:55
Please check the FlyTreeView.ClientRuntimePath property on the page using FlyTreeView. And make sure you have client runtime at this path. You do not need to modify anything else.
Link Posted: 13-Nov-2005 22:41
Hi, the FlyTreeView.ClientRuntimePath is correct.
With the trial dll it works fine with de new one doesn't work.
Link Posted: 14-Nov-2005 09:27
Please check the exact path (including version and build number) because this affecs the client runtime path also.

I think this is the only problem becase client-side runtime has no difference between trial and retail except its location path.