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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Drag & Drop
Link Posted: 23-Nov-2005 22:55
I have next situation.

Any TreeNode has DragDropAcceptNames property set and can be a target of Drag&Drop operation. But I do not want the Drag&Drop will be really proceed because I need source TreeNode remain at his current place and new node to be created under target parent node if I allow it.

Using DragDropJavascript property I can forbid dropping

args.cancelDrop = true; return true;

OK. But I want to have an event on server when D&D operation occurs to be able create a new node. Documentation says that if JavaScript function returns true, a postback immediately occur after D&D. But if I set args.cancelDrop = true; I have no a postback.

What can I do ?
Link Posted: 24-Nov-2005 12:26
So why can't you just use the simple "return true" in the DragDropJavascript  property?
This seems to be the thing that you need to make the treeview postback after it d&d some nodes.
Link Posted: 05-Apr-2006 22:41
[quote="EvgenyT"]This seems to be the thing that you need to make the treeview postback after it d&d some nodes.
is there a way to do this in FlyTreeView for ASP.NET 1.1 ?

I notice there is a DragDropEventArgs Class and an Enum NodeEventType.DragDrop but I cant see where they are used.
Link Posted: 06-Apr-2006 10:45
It is a property of FlyTreeView.DefaultNodeType and TreeNode property.
So just set the FlyTreeView.DefaultNodeType.DragDropJavascript = \"return true\";