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ContextMenu in Version 2.0 ?
Link Posted: 27-Mar-2006 21:18
I'm evaluating both versions for ASP .Net 1.1 and 2.0 , and found that in 2.0, there's no FlyContextMenu class. So, can you give some example about how to do a right click on a node and invoke some server event like in 1.1 ? Thanks in advance.
Link Posted: 28-Mar-2006 07:50
We're currently developing the menu project for ASP.NET and a kind of context menu from it will be included into the FlyTreeView for ASP.NET 2.0 product. But now the FlyTreeView does not have an ability to display context menu.
Link Posted: 28-Mar-2006 14:03
So will it be coming soon?
I'm just working on a project needs to be finished in months, so it will be a big favor for me if .NET 2.0 version comes out soon.
Link Posted: 29-Mar-2006 09:24
We do not have any esimated date for it now. So I cannot promise you to have the context menu before your deadline.
Link Posted: 07-Aug-2006 10:09
Is there any update to the question of a context menu for the FlyTreeView for APS.net 2.0?  I've got the tree doing everything else I need it to in my evaluation, but with a my fairly complex context menu requirements, I hate to see no support for it other than the 'OnContextMenuJavascript' right-click event.
Thanks,  Rusty
Link Posted: 08-Aug-2006 08:51
Unfortunatelly we still have no context menu integration integration.
All I can say now - yes, we're working on it and we're very interested in it ourselves.
But as I mentioned before - we cannot promise any date for it release.
Link Posted: 03-Oct-2006 12:25

It's been a couple of months since your last post.  Any news on when the context menu feature may be ready with FlyTreeView for ASP.Net 2?  I'm needing a tree view control with context menu support, and thought that your control looked the best.

-=- Steve
Link Posted: 04-Oct-2006 11:57
Good news here.
We have a 4.1 version.
And already have a completed installer containing the context menu.
It will be published tomorrow.
Link Posted: 09-Oct-2006 03:30
Thanks for the update.  I've pulled down the latest and have a context menu working now.  Of course, now I have another question, but I'll post it in a new thread.

-=- Steve