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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

Design Time & Run Time Text-Formating Control
Link Posted: 09-May-2006 04:06
From within the visual studio 2005 HTML view, I can not identify any exposed properties which allow me to set initial, design-time formatting properties for the treeview control.

I can set the TreeView.Font.Name and TreeView.Font.Size properties at run-time for the entire tree (which is alright), however, there are no exposed properties like this on the FlyTreeNode object.  As a result, I cannot figure out how to visually distinguish selectednodes from non-selected nodes.

Ultimately, I would like to know how to set text characteristics for the entire tree, at design time, similar to how .Net's included TreeView allows.

RootNodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)

NodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)

LeafNodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)

SelectedNodeStyle-Font-XXX (size/names/bold/italic/underline)

Secondarily, are these properties available during run-time on dynamically created FlyTreeNode objects?


Link Posted: 11-May-2006 08:27
Haven't heard back regarding this, are these properties not supported?

Link Posted: 11-May-2006 10:05

We have the following styles design:

We have root treeview settings.
Among them are:

Also, the FlyTreeView has NodeTypes collection.
Every NodeType is a set of predefined options of FlyTreeNode.
DefaultStyle and other styles are in them.

Also every NodeType has two important properties that can be set in order to automatically apply them to required nodes:
- AutoApplyAtLeafs
- AutoApplyAtLevels
Link Posted: 12-May-2006 04:40
The root treeview settings you mentioned are all marked as \"read only\"


The same applies within the FlyNodeType class, all are read only.

Could you point me towards one of the samples that could help me understand how to use these properties properly?


Link Posted: 12-May-2006 23:30
You should understand that these properties are readonly. But you may modify their contents.


ftv.DefaultStyle.ImageUrl = '';
ftv.DefaultStyle.CssClass = 'nodeClass';
ftv.DefaultStyle.RowBackColor = '';

The same for nodetypes.