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General tree structure questions
Link Posted: 13-Jun-2006 03:32
I am reviewing asp.net components, that utilize tree structures, for an application our company is developing for an internal user. Can you please answer these general questions, as I am totally new to this product?
1. If I have this structure
Can I insert a level C, under B, if I am developing a user applications?
2. If I have this structure
Before level C is created, can I have code to edit the data before inserting? So if C is ST, for example, and I wish to append a sequential number to it, can I do so (making it ST00001, for example)?
3. If I have this structure
If the user wishes to insert C under A, can I check the data C first, and issue a message, telling our user data insertion is NOT possible, for certain data (Like Tuna, for example).
Link Posted: 13-Jun-2006 08:50
Do you mean the drag-drop operation or client-side scripting or postback-time insertion?
The answer for your question depends on this.
Link Posted: 13-Jun-2006 08:53
I mean post back time scripting, but if you can say a sentence or two about the other methods, it would put the product into perspective.  Thanks.
Link Posted: 13-Jun-2006 19:25
The server-side scripting allows you to modify the Nodes (or ChildNodes) collections in any manner. You may add/insert/remove/move nodes in the way you need. I do not see any difficulties here.

The client-side scripting also allows you to manage nodes, though it is not so flexible as sever-side methods.
Link Posted: 14-Jun-2006 01:16
Thanks for the answers.  This helps to address my questions.