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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

OnDrop Server Event
Link Posted: 24-Sep-2007 11:01

I am evaluating the product mostly for the drag and drop features and have found this to be a great control.  I do have a few questions regarding drag and drop features.  I have used the basic drag and drop from the examples and need to be able to respond on the server to an object being dropped.  I have used the PostBackOnDropAccept to true and a postback does occur.  The only problem I am having is that I can't perform any server side actions because I can't distinguish between a node drop event and a node created event.  

The callback event works find when I insert a node, I can do some processing on the backend but I need to be able to work on the dropped node itself on the server.

Is there anyway to distinguish when a node has been drag and dropped?

Let me know if this is not clear enough.

Thank you.
Link Posted: 24-Sep-2007 23:01
When node is D&D within the treeview, the NodeMoved event is fired,
When node is D&D between some external object (other treeview, or custom element), then NodeRemoved/NodeInserted events are fired.

From my point of view, it is not so hard to distinguish D&D from other operations. For example, you can store some value indicating original owner of node, or may be other ways.