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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Javscript error checking checkbox before all nodes expanded
Link Posted: 07-Jan-2008 03:50
Hi there,

I'm using the flytreeview component. It's a simple tree with checkboxes for all items, the tree has 4 levels. I'm using the javascript functions from the demo page to check (and uncheck) all children when a checkbox is ticked/unticked.

Now the javascript function works fine when all items are expanded at least once. When the tree is not expanded yet and you check a top level item, then a javascript error appears. It looks like the checkboxes are not created yet but the system tries to check the box anyway. Underneath is the javascript code I used.

var ignoreEvents = false;
function handleNodeEvent2(){
    if (ignoreEvents) return;
    ignoreEvents = true;
    var node = window.event.node;
    if (window.event.eventName == "ONLOADCHILDRENFINISHED") {
        setChildrenCheckBox(node, node.IsChecked);
    else if (window.event.eventName == "ONCHECKED") {    
        setChildrenCheckBox(node, true);
        if (allSiblingChecked(node)) {
            setParentCheckBox(node, true);            
    else if (window.event.eventName == "ONUNCHECKED") {
        setChildrenCheckBox(node, false);
        setParentCheckBox(node, false);
    ignoreEvents = false;
function allSiblingChecked(node){
    var nodes = node.ParentNode == null ? node.TreeView.Nodes : node.ParentNode.Nodes;
    var allChecked = true;
    for(var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        if (!nodes[i].IsChecked){
            allChecked = false;
    return allChecked;
function setParentCheckBox(node, value){
    var parentNode = node.ParentNode;
    if (parentNode == null) return;
    if (parentNode.IsChecked != value)
    if (!value || allSiblingChecked(parentNode))
        setParentCheckBox(parentNode, value);
function setChildrenCheckBox(parentNode, value){
    for(var i = 0; i < parentNode.Nodes.length; i++) {
        var node = parentNode.Nodes[i];
        if (node.IsChecked != value)
        setChildrenCheckBox(node, value);

The error seams to appear on the line: node.CheckBoxChange();

I hope someone can help as it is a pain.

Best regards Patrick
Link Posted: 07-Jan-2008 06:54
Do you mean the FlyTreeView for ASP.NET 1.1 version?
You can try to set flytreeview.ForceInit = true, in order to make sure all nodes initialized immediately after page load.
Link Posted: 07-Jan-2008 07:19
Thank you for your answer, that solved the problem.