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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

Tracking the previous parent node
Link Posted: 09-Jan-2008 03:37
I have to track the previous parent node of node detached from the parent.
Grand Parent  Level 1
-- Parent level 2
------ Child Level 3

If I drag and drop the child node on the same level as that of Grand Parent. I am unable to track the previous parent i.e Parent Node.
I am capturing the event       Node Moved
and trying to get the node  e.node.parent but it is set to nothing.
Link Posted: 09-Jan-2008 03:42
The FlyTreeView.NodeMoved event uses FlyTreeNodeMovedEventArgs arguments.

As you can see it contains PreviousIndex, PreviousParent and PreviousPath properties.  
Is it what you need?
Link Posted: 09-Jan-2008 04:23
Thank you
was what I want I was looking at

Any way thanks for your quick reply