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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

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NodeInserted event fired on button click
Link Posted: 22-May-2008 22:18
I have a flytreeview which uses the PopulateNodesOnDemand property and PopulateNodes event to populate child nodes when expanded. This works fine. However, after expanding some nodes and then clicking a button on my page I find that NodeInserted gets fired for all the child nodes that were previously loaded before my button's event handler is reached. Is there a reason for this as it seems unnecessary?
Link Posted: 22-May-2008 22:38
NodeInserted as well as all other NodeXXX events are special node-level events that are fired one by one when page loads post data and applies all client-side changes since last pockback (including loading nodes on demand).

So all these events are fired even before Page_Load.

You should consider this behavior when using these NodeXXX events.