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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

Technical support and KB related to the FlyTreeView control

This forum related to following products: FlyTreeView for ASP.NET

FlyTreeView with iFrame
Link Posted: 22-Jul-2008 05:30
I have a FlyTreeView on a page that has an iFrame and the iFrame interferes with all the JavaScript associated with the FlyTreeView. Other JavaScript functions work on the page hosting the iFrame.

My goal is to use a FlyContextMenu to set the src for the iFrame.

Any idea why the iFrame is causing problems with FlyTreeView?
Link Posted: 22-Jul-2008 05:38
I've just took standard demo:

Added there IFRAME:

Then, added a new menu item to context menu:

Everything looks ok.
Link Posted: 22-Jul-2008 06:36
The problem was the way my iframe was formed. I had  and once I changed it to  the FlyTreeView started working again.