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FlyTreeView (ASP.NET)

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Drag & Drop between frames
Link Posted: 26-Aug-2009 22:54
Hi, our fly treeveiw is in the main window and the objects that we want to drag and drop from/to is found in iframe, does drag & drop work in this case?
Link Posted: 26-Aug-2009 22:57
No, each frame is a separate window object. They are isolated.
Link Posted: 26-Aug-2009 23:26
No it's not frame but iframe. We want to drag from iframe to its parent window.
Link Posted: 26-Aug-2009 23:34
frames and iframes have same nature.
So you cannot drag anything from any frame (iframe) outside of its window (iframe also has its window).
Any dragged object, is actually an HTML element that follows mouse pointer when you drag it. And HTML element cannot be moved between different windows.
Link Posted: 26-Aug-2009 23:36
First thank you for the prompt reply.
Is'nt there anyway to workaround this issue?
Link Posted: 27-Aug-2009 01:55
Just FYI I successfully draged and droped from parent to the iframe, I just made a slight changed.
Link Posted: 31-Aug-2009 19:38
Hm, how?