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Presale and licensing questions

Does the Console version of your Obfuscator come with...
Link Posted: 16-Oct-2005 04:42
Any updates throughout the year. For instance some brands of obfuscators come with 1 year of updates regardless of version updates or bug fixes. I didn't see any update options on your order page.

Also does the console version come with everything (Obfuscation) wise that the VSIP and GUI version does?

I also didn't see any thing about control flow obfuscation is this a feature? The bottom of your feature list page says and more.... I was wondering if this is an option.

Thanks for any information you can provide.
Link Posted: 19-Oct-2005 10:43
[quote="JCB"]Any updates throughout the year. For instance some brands of obfuscators come with 1 year of updates regardless of version updates or bug fixes. I didn't see any update options on your order page.

Yes, all products of Spices.Net family (excluding Spices.Decompiler 3 months temp. license) come with 1 year of updates/upgrades and fixes. To prolong your updates/upgrades subscription you can contact to us and receive special coupon code to purchase next year of update/upgrades for 50% of new license price.
Also does the console version come with everything (Obfuscation) wise that the VSIP and GUI version does?

Console version support all obfuscation features of GUI obfuscator, but

1. GUI allows user to more conveniently work with Spices.Project (Console version includes simple Spices.Project editor).
2. GUI version has colored output that more cleraly indicates warnings/errors.
3. With GUI version you can browse obfuscated assemblies and obfuscation map immediately after obfuscation.
4. GUI version comes with powerul set of tools for modeling and analysis of .Net assemblies from low level (PE and Metadata structure and details) to models of various relationships between assembly members and assemblies.
5. VSIP version fully integrates into Microsoft Visual Studuo and allows you to obfuscated-and-debug assemblies.

I also didn't see any thing about control flow obfuscation is this a feature? The bottom of your feature list page says and more.... I was wondering if this is an option.

We're planning to include code flow obfuscation feature to Spices.Obfuscator in the prepared for release Spices.Net 5.0.
BTW - code flow obfuscation is well recognized by most of decompilers (including Spices.Decompiler) and not much powerfully obstructs quality of generated code as usage of namespaces restructuring or usage of NonDisplayable characters in substitution names generation.