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Presale and licensing questions

Some questions about licensing
Link Posted: 05-Feb-2006 06:04
Good morning
I'm planning to secure with your obfusctor.
I have some questions:

- are there funcional differences between Spices.Obfuscator and Spices.Obfuscator console?
- how Spices.Obfuscator license works?
- is Spices.Obfuscator license machine and/or hardware dependent?
- is there online activation required on every Spices.Obfuscator installation?
- is Spices.Obfuscator license time-limited?
- can I install licensed Spices.Obfuscator on more than one machine (home, office, portable, clients, etc.)?

Thank you very much
Link Posted: 05-Feb-2006 07:56
[quote="luc"]I'm planning to secure with your obfusctor.
I have some questions:

- are there funcional differences between Spices.Obfuscator and Spices.Obfuscator console?

Spices.Obfuscator console package include only console version of obfuscator and utility for creating Spices.Project (.iloprj), Spices.Obfuscator includes GUI(Spices.Net) and console version of obfuscator and also Spices.Informer, Spices.Investigator, Spices.Modeler and Spices.Documenter modules.
[quote="luc"]- how Spices.Obfuscator license works?

After downloading registered version of Spices.Obfuscator you should activate installed copy.
  • Console version: To activate Spices.Obfuscator Console please run nrobfuscator.exe with /REG parameter, as shown below:
    nrobfuscator.exe /REG >out.txt and send me generated out.txt with "Spices.Net:Request activation code" subject.
  • [/*:m]
  • Spices.Obfuscator: To activate Spices.Net please run Spices.exe and click Help->Request activation code,
    fill Username and EMail fields and click Send button to send activation code request to us.
    If your security policy doesn't allows direct connection to our site, you can send this request via usual e-mail to me with "Spices.Net: request activation code" and paste into this message contents of Message field.
  • [/*:m][/list:u]
    As soon as we receive your request we'll send you activated license with installation instructions.
    [quote="luc"]- is Spices.Obfuscator license machine and/or hardware dependent?

    Yes, Spices.Obfuscator license is hardware dependent.
    [quote="luc"]- is there online activation required on every Spices.Obfuscator installation?

    Online activation not required, you can generate activation code on machine where Spices.Net installed  and send this code in the request from machine that has internet/e-mail access.
    [quote="luc"]- is Spices.Obfuscator license time-limited?

    No, Spices.Obfuscator license has no time limitations.
    [quote="luc"]- can I install licensed Spices.Obfuscator on more than one machine (home, office, portable, clients, etc.)?

    You can install and use Spices.Obfuscator on more than one machine, we support work-home or work-portable usage, but you should activate each installed copy.
    You can't install Spices.Obfuscator to your clients or use Spices.Obfuscator from server on client machines.
    Link Posted: 05-Feb-2006 20:19
    Thank you for your reply.

    Yes, Spices.Obfuscator license is hardware dependent.

    Could you please be more precise? What it exactly means?

    - I have to require a new activation code after a disk crash or another hardware upgrade?

    You can install and use Spices.Obfuscator on more than one machine, we support work-home or work-portable usage, but you should activate each installed copy.

    - I have several OS on the same machine. I have to request an activation code for each OS on the same machine?

    - Is there a limit to the activation codes I can require?

    - I often regenerates my home machine, by reinstalling the whole OS. Is a new activation code required for every OS re-installation?

    - What's about using Spices.Obfuscator on virtual machine software (i.e.: VmWare)?

    Thank you again.
    Link Posted: 05-Feb-2006 21:02

    Yes, Spices.Obfuscator license is hardware dependent.

    Could you please be more precise? What it exactly means?

    - I have to require a new activation code after a disk crash or another hardware upgrade?

    In this case you can simply send the new activation code request with explanation of request to receive activated license.

    You can install and use Spices.Obfuscator on more than one machine, we support work-home or work-portable usage, but you should activate each installed copy.

    - I have several OS on the same machine. I have to request an activation code for each OS on the same machine?

    No. Only one request.

    - Is there a limit to the activation codes I can require?

    You can use Spices.Obfuscator on two machines (work-home, desktop-laptop). I think, no limits, we're analyzing activation requests and can recognize machine id, if we'll have question about new activation we'll ask you to explain this request.

    - I often regenerates my home machine, by reinstalling the whole OS. Is a new activation code required for every OS re-installation?


    - What's about using Spices.Obfuscator on virtual machine software (i.e.: VmWare)?

    No problem.
    Link Posted: 05-Feb-2006 21:34
    Thank you very much for the patience and for the responses.