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Presale and licensing questions

VS2003 to VS2005 migration
Link Posted: 26-Feb-2006 10:04
I have spent the last few weekends trying to find an obfuscator that will successfully process projects that were migrated from VS2003 to VS2005.  Various obfuscators have no problem processing VS2003 projects and VS2005 projects.  But projects that have been "imported" to VS2005 from VS2003 seem to create significant problems and quite a few that I've tried won't even open the project.

Today I tried yours.  Spices successfully completed the processing of the project in its "Debug" condition.  However, when attempting to process the "Release" file, the process did not complete.  Instead, I got the following:

Spices.Net Obfuscator PlugIn Evaluation,, Copyright 2006 9Rays.Net
Start obfuscating project: D:\VS 2005 Projects\LRBS\Release\LRBS.iloprj
Start time:13:01:10

---- Start preparing substitutions and excludes ----
---- Finish preparing substitutions (0 items) and excludes (0 items)----
Evaluation: This version will obfuscate random number of assembly members and limited by two assemblies
----Start of obfuscation D:\VS 2005 Projects\LRBS\Release\LRBS.exe ------------
--- Start obfuscate types of D:\VS 2005 Projects\LRBS\Release\LRBS.exe
--- Start obfuscate fields of D:\VS 2005 Projects\LRBS\Release\LRBS.exe
--- Start obfuscate methods of D:\VS 2005 Projects\LRBS\Release\LRBS.exe
----Fixup References in D:\VS 2005 Projects\LRBS\Release\LRBS.exe ----------------
Memory stream is not expandable.
   at System.IO.__Error.MemoryStreamNotExpandable()
   at System.IO.MemoryStream.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
   at System.IO.MemoryStream.EnsureCapacity(Int32 value)
   at System.IO.MemoryStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
   at System.IO.BinaryWriter.Write(Byte[] buffer)
   at \u5\u11.\u17.\u1(\u18 , \uf , Hashtable , Boolean , \u13 )
   at \u5\u11.\u17.\u1(\u18 , \u5 , Boolean , \u13 )
   at \u5\u11.\u17.\u1(\u13 , \u18 , \u5 )
   at \u5\u11.\u17.\u1(String , \u18 , \u5 , Boolean , Boolean )
   at \u1.\u1.\u1(String , \u18 , \u5 , StringEncryptionMode , \u2 , Boolean )
   at \u1.\u1.\u1(Project )

This "Memory stream is not expandable" error did not occur with the "Debug" file.

Can you tell me what's happening and whether Spices can, in fact, obfuscate these "migrated" projects?

Blaine Fields
Link Posted: 26-Feb-2006 10:49
Can you send us () LRBS.exe file (please zip) to quickly solve this problem?
Link Posted: 27-Feb-2006 07:35
I submitted the project and the problem was corrected.  I was impressed with the speed with which the problem was evaluated and a fix achieved.  The evaluation copy works fine now.

I'm ready to purchase, but I need one question answered.  I am moving everything to VS2005 and I see that integration with that environment is imminent.  I also see that version 5.0 is almost ready for beta.

Question: how long will I be entitled to updates if I purchase the current version today?

Thanks.  And let me say again how impressed I was with Victor's response to the initial problem.  I was truly amazed that within hours of my initial post, the problem was identified and fixed.  I verified that the current eval version works this morning.
Link Posted: 27-Feb-2006 07:46

I'm ready to purchase, but I need one question answered. I am moving everything to VS2005 and I see that integration with that environment is imminent. I also see that version 5.0 is almost ready for beta.

Question: how long will I be entitled to updates if I purchase the current version today?

Purchase is annual subscription based - you have a right to receive updates/upgrades and fixes annually.
After subscription expiration you can prolong your subscription at 50% discount of purchase price or use latest version without any time limits.

We're planning to hold Spices.Net 4.x and Spices.Net 5.0 together some time and registered customers will have possibility to install and use both versions of Spices.Net.

Thanks. And let me say again how impressed I was with Victor's response to the initial problem. I was truly amazed that within hours of my initial post, the problem was identified and fixed. I verified that the current eval version works this morning.

Thanks, we're just trying to make Spices.Net the best product in .Net developer tools area