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FlygridDemoVB won't compile on VS2005
Link Posted: 02-Mar-2006 12:45
I just downloaded FlyGrid 1.3.4 eval, opened FlyGridDemoVB.vbproj, and it fails to compile right off the bat. Note: VS did convert it as it appears to be a VS 2003 project.

I can run the demo directly from the bin folder, but I'd like to be able to look at the source as it is running. Is there an updated demo?

The compile error (first one) :
Error  12  Class 'FileNode' must either be declared 'MustInherit' or override the following inherited 'MustOverride' member(s):
    NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.NodeBase : Private MustOverride Function 6w() As NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.INodeNavigation.  C:\Program Files\9Rays.Net\FlyGrid.Net\Demo\VB\XTras\FolderBrowserForm.vb  279  18  FlyGridDemoVB
Link Posted: 02-Mar-2006 14:37
But why you didn't converted code to VB.Net'05?
I've tested this problem - successfully converted VB samples project and succesfully run it under VS2005.
If you need converted code - let me know, I'll send you VB.Net'05 code ASAP.
Link Posted: 03-Mar-2006 03:47
[quote="NineRays"]But why you didn't converted code to VB.Net'05?
I've tested this problem - successfully converted VB samples project and succesfully run it under VS2005.
If you need converted code - let me know, I'll send you VB.Net'05 code ASAP.


I did let the project converter run through. Did I miss a step?

Link Posted: 03-Mar-2006 04:07
No, But I've converted and run VB.Net app without problems. May be VS2005 referred to the oldest FlyGrid.Net assemblies.
I'll send you converted project ASAP.
Link Posted: 03-Mar-2006 07:25
Thanks for the quick replies. I deleted the demo\vb folder, re-created and unzipped your file. Still won't compile. References in the project include Flygrid.Columns, FlyGrid.Design and FlyGrid.Styles. I do not have those assemblies. I removed those references and added from flygrid.net\bin  (note, these assemblies all have NineRays prefix; e.g. NineRays.FlyGrid.Columns, where the existing references in the project do not.). Still won't compile. These assembly references show Version with a runtime version of

Note: When I installed FlyGrid, I chose the default to *not* install into the GAC.

The first compilation error is
Error  15  Class 'FileNode' must either be declared 'MustInherit' or override the following inherited 'MustOverride' member(s):
    NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.NodeBase : Private MustOverride Function 6w() As NineRays.Windows.Forms.Data.INodeNavigation.  C:\Program Files\9Rays.Net\FlyGrid.Net\Demo\VB\XTras\FolderBrowserForm.vb  279  18  FlyGridDemoVB

Its indicating I'm supposed to create a required 6w() function for FileNode subclass. Very curious - the c# example compiles fine - the code is identical (apart from syntax). Do I just have the wrong assemblies and you have newer. The assemblies in my flygrid.net\bin folder are the following:
NineRays.Flygrid.Columns.dll 3/1/06 NineRays.Flygrid.Design.dll 3/1/06
NineRays.FlyGrid.DLL 3/1/06
NineRays.FlyGrid.Styles 3/1/06

Note: I tried the C# demo source - same problem were it's referencing "Flygrid..." assemblies rather than "NineRays.FlyGrid...". I fixed that and it compiles and runs fine. I confirmed the xtras\FolderBrowserForm.cs code doesn't defined the 6w() method either.

So, is it related to a difference in the assemblies you have verses I have?

I was also able to reproduce these problems on a co-worker's machine. There, it compiled fine first time. Then, went to references tab and saw the orphaned reference - removed "Flygrid.." and re-added "Ninerays.flygrid..." and won't compile now.

Thanks for all your help.
Link Posted: 03-Mar-2006 07:27
FWIW: VS 2005 version 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200).  .NET Framework is v2.0.50727.
Link Posted: 03-Mar-2006 11:47
I've repeated all steps to install Evaluation version of FlyGrid.Net, convert FlyGrid Demo VB project, remove old references and add new - to the assemblies in "C:\Program Files\9Rays.Net\FlyGrid.Net\Bin\"  folder.
Build, rebuild and run the demo project is work without errors.
Yes, the VS 2005 version is 8.0.50727.42 and FlyGrid.Net assemblies verison are the same.
Try to re-download FlyGrid.Net, uninstall old version and install new.