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Presale and licensing questions

Which version of obfuscator
Link Posted: 09-Jul-2008 16:06

I own an older version of spices obfuscator - the stand alone version.  I was looking to upgrade, but before I did, I wanted to know the advantages of going with the VS integrated obfuscator version?  I'm not sure I understand exactly what the VS integrated version does.  

Link Posted: 23-Jul-2008 15:47
hmmm... no answer?
Link Posted: 24-Jul-2008 12:44
Visual Studio integration package integrates Spices.Obfuscator tasks into Visual Studio IDE. User is able to embed obfuscation into build process, by using deep Visual Studio integration or MSBuild integration.
Provided by VSIP, MSBuild integration allows user to use Spices.Net tasks in MSBuild scripts/scenarios and automate build process.
Hope this helps to understand advantages of services provided by VSIP (this package include standalone and console versions also).