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Presale and licensing questions

FlyTreeView Licensing
Link Posted: 30-Oct-2008 05:28

I just wanted to check the licensing before I put this forward to our director for purchase.

We are currently only developing a solution for one domain, but it will ultimately be resold as a service on an unknown number of domains.

If we buy a development license, will we be able to deploy the finished product across multiple domains without purchasing extra licenses?


Link Posted: 30-Oct-2008 05:50

Yes and no.
Developer-based licenses have limit on a number of deployments (up to 10 for same web app).
So if you are developing a branded commercial product that will be deployed to more than 10 locations, then Redistributable license is what you need in addition to developer-based license.
Link Posted: 30-Oct-2008 06:00
So would we be able to deploy the same application (albeit with different configurations) to 3 domains on the initial license?
Link Posted: 30-Oct-2008 06:02
Yes, sure.