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More complicated Nodes in flytreeview or example on how to set/read checkboxes in server node templates?
Link Posted: 02-Feb-2011 11:28
What I'd really like to do is almost like a treeview mixed with a table, so something like

- (cb) node1    property1:rb1|rb2|rb3  property2:cb1   property3:input1

where cb = checkbox and rb = radiobutton and input = input field
Doesn't look like this can be done, but thought I'd confirm.

If not, do you have an example of how to set radiobuttons and read them in a server node template?
The servertemplates demo on the web site shows how to set the value of a checkbox or input field by using #Container.Node.Value in the node template, but doesn't show how to set a multivalue template like a template with multiple checkboxes or multiple radiobuttons.  It also doesn't show how to read the values when a user posts back the page...


Link Posted: 02-Feb-2011 12:11
You should probably loop through nodes after postback.
The node object has ContentContainer property which is control with its children when node uses server template.