Greetings.  In my original source code of:
Dim flds As String = fldCreateDate & "|" & fldUpdateDate & "|" & fldInspector & "|" & fldICTimeStart & "|" & fldDuration & "|" & fldRSC & "|" & fldBWC & "|" & fldBMS & "|" & fldIssueType & "|" & fldActiveRwy & "|" & fldUpdateId & "|" & fldAICID

Dim vals As String = CreateDate & "|" & UpdateDate & "|" & Inspector & "|" & StartTime & "|" & IDuration & "|" & RSC & "|" & BWC & "|" & BMS & "|" & IssueType & "|" & ActiveRwy & "|" & UpdateID & "|" & AICID

Dim fldtype As String = "3|3|2|3|2|2|2|2|2|2|1|2"

Dim sql As String = BuildSQLwDefinedKey(tblAICID, flds, vals, fldtype, inTrans)

ModData.DbExecNonQuery(sql, SyncDb)

A Decompilation returns this:
Dim v_arrstr As String() = New String() {ModMain.fldCreateDate, "|", ModMain.fldUpdateDate, "|", ModMain.fldInspector, "|", ModMain.fldICTimeStart, "|", ModMain.fldDuration, _
                "|", ModMain.fldRSC, "|", ModMain.fldBWC, "|", ModMain.fldBMS, "|", ModMain.fldIssueType, "|", _
                ModMain.fldActiveRwy, "|", ModMain.fldUpdateId, "|", ModMain.fldAICID}

v_arrstr = New String() {CreateDate, "|", UpdateDate, "|", Inspector, "|", StartTime, "|", IDuration, _
                "|", RSC, "|", BWC, "|", BMS, "|", IssueType, "|", ActiveRwy, "|", UpdateID, "|", AICID}

ModData.DbExecNonQuery(ModData.BuildSQLwDefinedKey(ModMain.tblAICID, String.Concat(v_arrstr), String.Concat(v_arrstr), "3|3|2|3|2|2|2|2|2|2|1|2", inTrans), SyncDb)


This is incorrect because Spices declared my two internal Strings ("flds" and "vals") to be the same ("v_arrstr"). Why? Aside, the rest looks good.  
